Rodent Proof Your Home

The thought of having a mouse in your home or workplace is cause for a lot of anxiety for most people, and for good reason. These small creatures have been blamed for big damages. Statistically, their presence has been traced to disease outbreaks, loss of revenue due to product contamination, and even structural fires. Although these are worst case examples, a bit of prevention can help.

The rule to follow when looking at the above image is that a mouse only needs a hole the size of a dime to enter, and a rat the size of a quarter. We've seen them enter and cause infestations from just the corner of a single door seal missing.

Location can have a big impact on the risk of infestation. Those that live near agricultural fields, for example, are bound to have more rodents near their homes. No matter where you live, doing a walk-around inspection looking for and repairing the above pictured issues can go a long way in preventing them from accessing your home.

Is there a spray to prevent mice?

Gimmicks are all too common in the pest control industry. There are so many products claiming to repel mice. Unfortunately, the sprays, essential oils, and electronic noise gadgets have not been proven effective against mice.

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